Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine
- Introduction to disciplines and main courses
- Main Disciplines: Traditional Chinese Medicine;
Clinical Medicine
- Main Courses: Basic Theory of TCM(traditional Chinese medicine), Systematic Anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, Traditional Chinese Diagnostics, Chinese Materia Medica, Chinese Medical Formulae, Diagnostics, Internal Medicine of TCM, Surgery of TCM, Gynecology of TCM, Pediatrics of TCM, Traditional Chinese Osteological Surgery, Western Internal Medicine, Surgery, Acupuncture and Moxibustion.
- Curriculum, Teaching Hours and Credits:
- Total teaching hours of Theory and Experiments / credits : 3417/204
Teaching hours of Public courses / credits: 601/40
Teaching hours of basic specialty courses / credits: 1292/75
Teaching hours of specialty courses / credits: 892/52
Teaching hours of electives / credits: 632/37
- Practice and Internship weeks / credits : 52 / 52
Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine (Specializing in Chinese
Pharmaceutical Medicine)
- Introduction to disciplines and main courses
- Main Disciplines: traditional Chinese medicine;
Chinese Pharmaceutical medicine
- Main Courses: Basic Theory of TCM(traditional Chinese medicine), Pharmacy of TCM, pharmacology of TCM, Medical chemistry of TCM, Chinese Pharmaceutical medicine, Chinese Medical Formulae, Chinese Herb Identification, Analytics of TCM.
- Curriculum Teaching Hours and Credits:
- Total teaching hours of Theory and Experiments / credits : 3718/212
Teaching hours of Public courses / credits: 828/45
Teaching hours of basic specialty courses / credits: 1098/62
Teaching hours of specialty courses / credits: 826/48
Teaching hours of electives / credits: 966/57
- Practice and Internship weeks / credits : 52 / 52
Period and Diploma:
- Period: Five Years (The student who can’t meet the Chinese proficiency criteria should spend one more year to learn Chinese.)
- Diploma:
Graduation diploma will be issued to those who have completed all required courses and passed the examinations. A medical bachelor's degree will be conferred if they meet the requirements stipulated in the Regulations of the Academic Degree of PRC.
