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Cost/Expenses/Charge   English  Korean
1.Registration fee, fee for teaching materials and tuition
Programs Registration fee Fee for books & Teaching materials Tuition  
Five-year & Three-year $50 $50/semester; $100/academic year  $1400/semester; $2800/ year
Language learners $50    $/50semester;
$800/semester; $1600/year
Short-term Students $30   $30 $280/ four weeks;
$50 (each week from the fifth week)
2.Accommodation fee
International students apartments Single-room Double-room  
Southern room $6.5/day $4/day
Northern room $6/day $3.5/day
The apartments all equipped with TV, Refrigerator, telephone, internet access and toilet with shower; there is a public kitchen on every floor with all necessary equipment.
*Note: fees may be paid in RMB

There is an International Students cafeteria on Campus – clean with various kind of food supplied at low prices with good service, usually around 300 yuan RMB for each person per month. (local Standard)


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