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1.Highly recommended Majors

Recommendation on Brand Majors in Chinese

1.Chinese Language and Literature

Undergraduate: 4-year study Degree: Bachelor degree in Literature

Major Courses: Comprehensive Course, Oral Course, Listening Course, Reading Course, Modern Chinese, Basic Knowledge of Ancient Chinese, Modern and Contemporary Literature, Ancient Literature, Chinese Culture, Business Chinese.

2. International Economy and Trade

Undergraduate: 4-year study Degree: Bachelor degree in Economics

Major Courses: Business Listening, Chinese Vocabulary (on Economics), Newspaper Reading, Basic Knowledge in Economics, Marketing, Micro-economics, Overview of Chinese Law, Economic Mathematics, Introduction to Chinese Trade, The Theory of Chinese Trade, Macro-economics, International Trade Practice, Introduction to Chinese Economy, International Finance, Management, International Economic Law, International Settlement, International Logistics, Introduction to World Economy, Security Analysis and Investment, International Business Negotiation.

2、Enrollment Category

Undergraduate General Advanced Learning Short-program Training