There are 1509 full-time teachers in CNU of which 299 are professors, 540 are associate professors, 818 have doctoral degree and 510 have master's degree. 88% of full-time teachers have master’s degree or doctoral degree. Now there are a number of experts and scholars who have academic influences at home and abroad. There are 6 academicians of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering, 1 academician of Russian Academy of Engineering, 3 members in Discipline Appraisal Group of Academic Degree Committee of State Council, 13 members in Teaching Advisory Committee of Education Ministry, 4 candidates in national “Thousand Talents” plan, 6 Yangtze River scholar professors, 1 Yangtze River Scholar Chair professors, 34 Beijing Technological New Stars, 176 Beijing “Outstanding Teachers”, 35 Beijing Special Term Professors and 9 candidates of High-level Talents Scheme etc.
College of International Education has 50 full-time language teachers and about 40 part-time teachers, of which 2 are professors, 15 are associate professors and 9 master tutors. 32% teachers have doctoral degree. 80% have overseas teaching experience and certificate of Teaching Chinese as foreign Language (advanced level). CIE has undertaken various programs funded by Confucius Institution, China’s Education Ministry or Beijing Municipal Education Commission etc. Research results published on Chinese Teaching in the World and other academic journals.